DNW Cadets take on Sailing Challenge!

This Summer, Cadet Flight Sergeant Ben Allen of 1114 (Gosforth) Squadron, Cadet Natalia Szutenberg of 733 (Newcastle Airport) Squadron, and Cadet Sergeant Jack Hardy of 1000 (Blyth) Squadron changed their flying suits for wet suits as they took part in the Headquarters Air Cadets/Ocean Youth Trust Scotland West Coast Challenge Offshore Sailing Expedition! Through choppy waves and gale force winds, the 18 year olds experienced one of the most exciting adventure training opportunities the Air Cadets has to offer: learning to sail around the West coast of Scotland in just under 1 week! Ben Allen recounts his intrepid voyage here: Initially as I set off on the train, I got to know the two other cadets from Durham/Northumberland Wing, Cadet Szutenberg and...

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Adventure Training

Cadets can take part in a wide range of adventurous activities, both at Squadron and Wing level, and also at our two Adventure Training Centres - at Windermere in the Lake District and Fairbourne in coastal Wales. Rock climbing, abseiling, hill walking, mountain-biking, canoeing, high ropes and sailing are all par for the course. Adventure Training is an essential part of the Air Cadet's training syllabus and the place where team effort really matters - you'll build new friendships, and learn to rely on the other people you're with to get the job done. It also lets you show off your leadership qualities. If you're a member of staff, there are also fantastic opportunities for you to enjoy the outdoors,...

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